Utilisateur:BotDeSaut/Sous le capot

De Scoutopedia

Pour faciliter sa compréhension par nos amis non-francophones, cette page est en anglais. Il est par ailleurs fortement recommandé de maîtriser cette langue si l'on souhaite dresser des bots, la plupart des pages explicatives du fonctionnement des programmes n'ayant pas encore été traduites en français d'une part, et le bot parlant exclusivement anglais d'autre part.

Here are the user-config.py and scoutwiki_family.py files used by BotDeSaut, as they are as far as November 16th, 2006.

BotDeSaut uses now the sames configuration files as KonttiBot, and is fully functionnal with the interwikis.

user-config.py[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

family                 =  'scoutwiki'
mylang                 =  'fr'
mylang                 =  'fi'
usernames['scoutwiki']['fr'] =  'BotDeSaut'
usernames['scoutwiki']['fi'] =  'BotDeSaut'

The bot has to have accounts on both wikis, with the same name and login (although they may be different).

When using login.py, the -lang:XX option has to be used :

  • ~$ python login.py -lang:fr for loging in on Scoutopedia, then
  • ~$ python login.py -lang:fi for loging in on PartioWiki.

When using interwiki.py, the same option is used to tell the bot on which wiki he's got to work first, he'll then check all the pages on that wiki, and after that, if needed, modify the linked pages on the other wiki to have those linked to the first.

Of course, the bot has to be loged on both wikis to be able to write on them ...

scoutwiki_family.py[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Ce script a été écrit par Kontti pour KonttiBot sur PartioWiki

This script has been written by Kontti for KonttiBot on PartioWiki

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
import family

# ScoutWiki, the international network of scouting wikis.
# ScoutWiki, le réseau international de wikis scouts.

class Family(family.Family):
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = 'scoutwiki'

        self.langs = {
            'fi':'wiki.partio.net', # PartioWiki
            'fr':'www.scoutopedia.net', # Scoutopedia

        # Most namespaces are inherited from family.Family.

        self.namespaces[4] = {
            '_default': u'scoutwiki',
            'fi': u'PartioWiki',
            'fr': u'Scoutopedia'
        self.namespaces[5] = {
            '_default': u'Talk about scoutwiki',
            'fi': u'Keskustelu PartioWikista',
            'fr': u'Discussion Scoutopedia',

        #custom namespaces
        self.namespaces[100] = {
            '_default':u'Geocaches',       #Not really geocaches, working with hints, not coordinates
        self.namespaces[101] = {
            '_default':u'Geocaches talk',
            'fi':u'Keskustelu lodjusta'

    def version(self, code):
        return "1.5.6"

    def path(self, code):
        return '/index.php'